Thursday 27 January 2011

Cityville Tip #4 Reserving Your Energy

Reserving your energy is key in this game so how can we do this? its quite simple you build with energy in mind for example lets say your you want to build a house then build a house with the biggest population you can why? because lets say you build two country homes collecting from these cost 1 energy per each home but if you build a mordern chataue it will only cost 1 energy and gives you the same population as 2 country homes and more rent. Alot of players go wrong because they do not bare energy in mind.

Another way to reserve your energy is to do the same with business's do not build small business's that offer low amount of coins per collections and require you to collect every 5 mins for example its better just to build bigger business's that require collection after a period of time that you think is reasonable.

If you always bare energy in mind you will always have spare energy.

Cityville Tip #3-How To Get Cityville Neighbors

Neighbors Are Key -How To Get CityVille Neighbors

You need to gain alot of neighbors to advance quick in this game as neighbors are one of the main aspects of it. You can obtain zoning permits, energy,gifts,coins and much more all from neighbors a few ways on how to get neighbors are below:

1.Use Forum To Get Neighbors
sign up to zynga forum and then head over to the add neighbor thread (people post there profile links here)

2.Manually Add Neighbors
head over to facebook search "cityville" and then click on "pages" on the left hand side you can use these groups to find literally tons of neighbors.

3. Make Neighbors Come To You
Use cityville groups to create discussions asking people to add you best way to get alot of adds in a short people of time is creating a useful discussion these seem to get alot of posts meaning you get more attention and you stay #1 in discussions because everytime somebody posts in your thread your thread go's to the top of the other threads because threads are displayed by "latest" so yours will have the latest posts to it.

An example of a good thread:

Thread Title:  ***Zoning Permit Exchange*** <--catches attention

Thread Content: Anyone who needs a zoning permit and is willing to send them feel free to post here i

Reply to the thread: by saying "ill start off the thread :) add me i send zoning permits daily"

this is a good example because everybody wants to expand there city so everybody wants zoning permits this is just an example there are plenty of other things you could use like energy ect ect

Cityville Tip #2 Think Before You Build

Dont Build What You Wont Need

Demolishing costs coins and in cityville we need to reserve our coins as best as possible building something that you may likley have to take down or demolish will definatley be a mistake because it can mess up your layout and cost money. For example building a barn or crops near road is a big mistake as you need roads for houses and business's, so build your barns and crops in one corner of the map as roads do not come into play when building these. Another example is building a police station near your business's this is a prime mistake that alot of cityville players make as you want to keep a section of the map near roads to build all your business's and nothing alse because later on in the game you will need all the space you can get near your business's for decorations and expansion.

Cityville Tip #1 PLAN

Have A Game Plan
Failing to plan is planning to fail so before you start have a game plan and do your research, doing your research will help you with any task and could help you to build your city 10x faster than if you hadent so bare this in mind.

A good example of a plan to have is having a layout plan for example all your business's in one place, all your community buildings in one place, all your crops in one ect ect this makes your city look alot easier and the eyes and alot easier to manage and even makes it easy to enhance your business's with decorations for extra payout.